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How to Pull Off the Perfect Prank Using Our Classic Gag Gifts

October 3, 2024 – Giggle Novelties

How to Pull Off the Perfect Prank Using Our Classic Gag Gifts
How to Pull Off the Perfect Prank Using Our Classic Gag Gifts

There’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of successfully pulling off a prank that leaves everyone laughing, especially when your friend is the one who got fooled. But setting up the perfect prank takes a little more planning and creativity than just tossing out a joke. That’s where we come in. At Giggle Novelties, we’ve got a lineup of hilarious gags that will make sure your next prank is a total hit. Today, we’re going to walk you through foolproof tips for setting up a prank using two of our best-selling gag products: the Fart Machine and the Fake Dog Poop.

The Beginning: Choose the Right Friend (Or Foe)

When setting up a prank, the first step is selecting the right target. Some people are great sports and will laugh along, while others may take things a bit too seriously. Make sure your chosen friend has a sense of humor—someone who can take a joke without getting too upset. You want the prank to be fun for everyone, not just for you!

Prank 1: The Fart Machine—Subtlety Is Key

Now, let’s talk about one of our crowd favorites: the Fart Machine. It’s a simple yet genius tool that can turn any quiet moment into a hilarious (and awkward) situation. Here’s how to set it up:

1. Location, Location, Location: To maximize the effect, pick a setting where silence reigns supreme. Think of places like a meeting, a library, or even a movie night at home. The quieter it is, the more shocking the "sound" will be.

2. Hide it Well: The beauty of the Fart Machine is that it’s small and wireless. Stick it under a chair, behind a couch cushion, or even in someone’s backpack. The goal is to make sure it’s out of sight but not so hidden that the sound is muffled.

3. Timing is Everything: Don’t fire off the fart sound right away. Let your target get comfortable, ideally in a moment where they’re focused and everyone else is quiet. Then, press the remote button. One "fart" might make them chuckle, but a well-timed second one can create the perfect comedy gold moment.

4. Act Innocent: When the sound happens, act like you’re just as confused as everyone else. Throw in a “Did you hear that?” or an exaggerated look of surprise. This helps keep the prank going longer.

Prank 2: Fake Dog Poop—Create a Scene

Our Fake Dog Poop is another classic that never gets old. It’s so realistic that even the most keen-eyed friends will do a double-take. Here’s how you can set the stage for maximum laughs:

1. Find the Perfect Spot: The secret to this gag is making it believable. Choose a location where real dog poop would naturally be found—on the sidewalk, in a yard, or (if you’re feeling extra bold) right in the middle of someone’s living room carpet.

2. Create a Backstory: For added fun, create a mini scenario before you place the poop. Tell your friend you saw a dog run through the yard earlier or that you accidentally let one in through the back door. This adds credibility to the prank and gets them on edge before the "discovery."

3. Act Surprised (or Blame Someone Else!): When your friend finds the "poop," be sure to act just as shocked. Or, if you’re feeling mischievous, shift the blame to someone else in the room. Watch as your target scrambles to figure out how this mess happened.

4. Capture the Moment: If you’re able to, capture their reaction on camera. The look on their face when they realize they’ve been pranked will be priceless—and great for future blackmail material (just kidding, of course). Remember we have a huge contest for user submitted videos of their pranks!

The Finally: The Grand Reveal

As with any great prank, it’s important to know when to let your friend in on the joke. Don’t let things escalate to the point of frustration—once they’re good and fooled, it’s time to come clean and share the laughs. A great prank leaves everyone in stitches, and that includes the person you pranked.

Bonus Tip: Combine Gags for Maximum Hilarity

If you’re feeling extra sneaky, you can combine the Fart Machine and the Fake Dog Poop for a one-two punch. Start with the Fart Machine to get everyone’s attention, and while they’re distracted, place the Fake Dog Poop where they’re sure to see it. By the time they realize what’s happening, they’ll be laughing so hard they won’t even be mad.

Ready to Prank?

At Giggle Novelties, we believe that laughter is the best medicine—and with the right gags, you can create memorable moments full of fun and laughter. Whether you’re setting up your friend for a perfectly timed fart or making them jump at a surprise "poop," these pranks are guaranteed to bring out the giggles. Check out our full collection of prank products to level up your prank game today!